Archive for the ‘Jared Jeffries’ Category

Jared Jeffries Jordan VIII PE(s)

November 25, 2009

Pictured above is what amounts to an oxymoron. It’s a Jared Jeffries Jordan VIII PE which implies the horrifying fact that this guy Jared Jeffries is in fact on Team Jordan. What this means is that not only does Jordan Brand allow this ass clown to wear their sneakers, they pay him for the privilege and makeup special colorways for him to wear. While this has got to be mortifying for even the janitors at the Jordan headquarters, how do you think MJ feels about this. He was the first pick of the Wiz with Jordan at the helm in 2002, and he’s rode him like a bad stock tip right into the dregs of the NBA. If you don’t think Jared Jeffries is bad it’s because you’re misinformed. Here are his stats.

PPG: 3.1 Just shy of his career average of 5.3
Rebounds: 2.8 Again a big loss of output from career numbers of 4.4
Steals: .5
Turnovers: 1.1
Fouls: 2.25
Salary for 2010: $6,466,600

Now that you know the Micky Factz, have a look at the rest of his Jordan collection.