Archive for the ‘The Beatles’ Category

Wu-Tang vs The Beatles: Enter the Magical Mystery Chambers

January 22, 2010

If you ❤ mashups like I know some of you floaters (that just doesn’t sound right) do, they you may or may not like this effort put forth by Tom Caruana who has mashed Wu-Tang verses over Beatles instrumentals. I know what you’re thinking, and yes I’d really like a bean burrito right now too, but the other thing you may be thinking is didn’t Danger Mouse already do this with Jay and the Grey album, and the answer is yes, that was the greatest mashup of all time, it was so great I put it in my superlative scrap book as: the greatest mashup of all time, but this one isn’t half bad either, and you can stream it.

Wu-Tang vs The Beatles: Enter the Magical Mystery Chambers